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Zoisite Var. Tanzanite
Arusha, Merelani, Tanzania

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Quartz with 4-phase petroleum inclusions from Zhob Baluchistan, Pakistan

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(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Quartz with 4-phase petroleum inclusions from Zhob Baluchistan, Pakistan [db_pics/pics/quartz41a.jpg] Quartz with 4-phase petroleum inclusions from Zhob Baluchistan, Pakistan [db_pics/pics/quartz41b.jpg] Quartz with 4-phase petroleum inclusions from Zhob Baluchistan, Pakistan [db_pics/pics/quartz41c.jpg]

QUARTZ41 - Quartz with 4-phase petroleum inclusions
$ 115.00 SOLD
Zhob Baluchistan, Pakistan
thumbnail - 2.7 x 2.6 x 2.3 cm

This is a good example of this uncommon form of Quartz. It is a four phase inclusion in a double terminated Quartz crystal found in central Pakistan within the last year. It is highly fluorescent under both short wave and long wave (LW pictured). The long wave makes the petroleum fluoresce yellow, the short wave brings out the more reds and blues.  There is one prominent moving bubble in the center of the crystal that moves freely. The gas bubble formed when the the Quartz cools after forming, the petroleum contracts more than the Quartz because it is less dense, it pulls a vacume within the fluid thus creating a "gas" bubble.  The four phases are: the gas bubble trapped in the petroleum, the petroleum itself, a darker brown previously organic material, and black carbon inclusions. I learned this from an insightful geologist who specializes in Quartz inclusions, whom I met at the Tucson Main show in 2010. This one is a tabulr crystal that is single terminated, although it is not broken (the bottom is rehealed). It has a very tiny chip or two along one edge, overall in good condition, this piece is a "cathedral-like" quartz, with multiple terminations. Also a good example of the brown (ex-organic) inclusion next to the pastel yellow petroleum inclusion. It weighs 15 grams.

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