Zoisite Var. Tanzanite from Arusha, Merelani, Tanzania [TANZANITE3]
Zoisite Var. Tanzanite
Arusha, Merelani, Tanzania
Apophyllite with Scolecite from Jalisgoan, near Jalgoan, Maharashtra State, India [APOPHYLLITE5]
Apophyllite with Scolecite
Jalisgoan, near Jalgoan, Maharashtra State, India
Sphalerite on Quartz from Shuikoushan Lead/Zinc Mine, Chaling, Hunan Province, China [SPHALERITE1]
Sphalerite on Quartz
Shuikoushan Lead/Zinc Mine, Chaling, Hunan Province, China
Corundum Var. Sapphire from Balangoda, near Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province,  Sri Lanka [SAPPHIRE2]
Corundum Var. Sapphire
Balangoda, near Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka
Corundum var. Sapphire from Potanino Mine, Ilmen Mountains, Russia [CORUNDUM8]
Corundum var. Sapphire
Potanino Mine, Ilmen Mountains, Russia
Tourmaline Var. Elbaite from Kunar Province, Afganistan [TOURM29]
Tourmaline Var. Elbaite
Kunar Province, Afganistan

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Serandite with Aegirine from Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada

US$    € EURO    ¥ YEN    £ POUND    CAN$    AUS$   

(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Serandite with Aegirine from Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/serandite1a.jpg] Serandite with Aegirine from Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/serandite1b.jpg] Serandite with Aegirine from Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/serandite1c.jpg]

SERANDITE1 - Serandite with Aegirine
$ 175.00 (=~ £ 141.32)
Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
thumbnail - 1.7 x 2 x 1.2 cm

This lovely Serandite is a floater crystal, and has an embedded Aegerine in the top that adds contrast to this richly colored mineral. For its size, this piece is top notch. The mines in Mont St. Hilaire are all closed, and sadly pieces such as this one are irreplaceable. It comes in a thumbnail box, with its original hand written label, assembled by famed thumbnail collector Wendy Melanson of Hawthorneden Inc.

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