Dioptase from Altyn-Tyube, Karagandy Oblast, Kazakhstan [DIOPTASE1]
Altyn-Tyube, Karagandy Oblast, Kazakhstan
Diopside from Merelani Hills, Lelatema Mtns., Arusha Region, Tanzania [DIOPSIDE7]
Merelani Hills, Lelatema Mtns., Arusha Region, Tanzania
Corundum var. Sapphire from Potanino Mine, Ilmen Mountains, Russia [CORUNDUM8]
Corundum var. Sapphire
Potanino Mine, Ilmen Mountains, Russia
Quartz "Faden"
Dara Ismael Khan District, Waziristan, Pakistan
Serandite with Aegirine from Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada [SERANDITE1]
Serandite with Aegirine
Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Corundum Var. Sapphire from Balangoda, near Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province,  Sri Lanka [SAPPHIRE6]
Corundum Var. Sapphire
Balangoda, near Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka

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Garnet var. Hessonite from Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/hessonite7a.jpg] Garnet var. Hessonite from Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/hessonite7b.jpg] Garnet var. Hessonite from Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/hessonite7c.jpg] Garnet var. Hessonite from Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/hessonite7d.jpg]

HESSONITE7 - Garnet var. Hessonite
$ 135.00
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada
thumbnail - 2.2 x 1.7 x 1.1 cm

Beautiful cluster of bright, gemmy Hessonite garnets. Production has been sporadic at best, with a few small pockets found with hand tools in the last 3 years, otherwise there's been nothing since the 1980's. This piece is super bright, the color is slightly lighter in person. No damage. 

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Quartz w/ Tourmaline inclusions from Jenipapo mine, Itapirapuã, Goiás, Brazil [db_pics/pics/quartz45a.jpg] Quartz w/ Tourmaline inclusions from Jenipapo mine, Itapirapuã, Goiás, Brazil [db_pics/pics/quartz45b.jpg]

QUARTZ45 - Quartz w/ Tourmaline inclusions
$ 45.00 SOLD
Jenipapo mine, Itapirapuã, Goiás, Brazil
miniature - 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.4 cm

From thousands there is this one. It is a well crystallized point that is saturated with Indicolite. 99% of the pocket was dinged. This one is not (one tiny rub on an edge). 

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